Lanyards are initially used to keep your identification cards intact. You could see lanyards almost everywhere and almost everyone wears one in schools, offices, and hospitals. From the public to private sectors, everyone seems to be sporting lanyards with their company logo.
But how exactly can lanyards benefit your business? Let’s see how this simple ID card holder worn around the neck can improve your business.
1. It can increase security.
Lanyards provide security for offices, schools, and private buildings. Brands often have their lanyards printed with the company logo. And along with the identification card, this is one of the more visual ways to identify if you work for a certain brand.Â
It will be easier for security guards and marshalls to spot who should be on a specific site and who should not be. In addition, it’s a very economical way for businesses to identify who belongs to a company and who doesn’t. Â
Lanyards also keep IDs and company badges handy, so every time you enter a building that needs an ID, you can easily find it in your bag since it’s attached to a long rope.Â
2. It makes your brand more memorable.
For clients to do more business with you, you must be memorable. And lanyards are a way of making a certain brand become known to a large group of people.Â
By displaying brand logos and company names printed on the lanyards, people will know your brand exists. Â
3. It can introduce your business to prospects.
Lanyards are an economical yet efficient way to make your brand known to your prospects and future clients at conferences and trade shows. It’s like a free advertisement with an enormous scope.Â
And lanyards are more versatile than ID cards and badges. You can customize it better than you would with an ID card. They also come in various colors and different fabrics. Lanyards are also more visually appealing and can be read better from afar.Â
4. Lanyards are long-lasting.Â
Lanyards can be used multiple times. They are not disposable. They are similar to promotional items. So it is indeed a cheap way to maintain your brand’s presence with your potential clients
5. It makes a brand look more professional.
Lanyards are a great way to keep your employees branded at all times. You can even add a slogan for people to see. This will make your brand more memorable.
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