Everything About Image Resolution

Everything About Image Resolution

Almost everyone is taking pictures or images on their mobile phones or cameras. But not sure if everyone knows what image resolution is. If you want to achieve the best quality of photos or images, then image resolution plays a significant role.

What is image resolution?

Image resolution refers to the number of pixels used in an image. The images from mobile phones and cameras comprise pixels. Knowing the number of pixels gives an idea of the kind of image you are dealing with.

The image resolution is expressed by the horizontal multiplied by the vertical measurement. The result of the width and height is expressed as megapixels.

Is image resolution the same as sharpness?

Image resolution is different from sharpness. It is because the latter is subjective and the former can be quantified through the number of pixels. It is possible that an image has a high resolution, but does not look sharp. However, a low-resolution image may appear crisp and nice. These all depend on the size, distance, and the viewer.

What is a high-resolution image?

Capturing an image using a modern camera in which the setting is of the highest quality would yield a high resolution. It is because innovative cameras can yield from 24MP to 45MP images. The images may also contain information, thus increasing the image resolution up to 200MP.

How to increase the image resolution?

Increasing the resolution of an image captured in a particular resolution would affect the quality. It is possible to add pixels in the software. If you’re not certain about increasing the resolution, the best thing to do is to capture the images using the high-quality settings on your camera. Modern cameras have high-resolution mode when capturing the static subject and using a tripod.

What are PPI and DPI?

PPI means pixel per inch that measures the density of pixels in an image. It also refers to the display used to open images. DPI means dots per inch, with a similar principle as PPI, but the former is related to printing. It pertains to the dots comprising the image. Usually, photographers print the images using 300 DPI to achieve a clear image.


The image resolution is affected by a few factors, such as the subject, the display, who will view it, and the distance. As mentioned earlier, if you are using a modern camera or computer display, you can generate images of high resolution. If you’re planning to crop the image, using the highest resolution is a good idea. 

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