When discussing an advertisement that utilizes graphic design and visual communication it is natural to ask what is going on throughout the piece. What makes a piece of art successful? What stimulates your emotions? How does life change after seeing an image? These are questions that have never been answered by psychologists or scholars.
Before a graphic designer can craft a masterpiece, they must understand Gestalt Theory to know the ‘absolutes’ of the concept. The Gestalt Theory allows a graphic designer to create a design that captures someone’s attention and engages their subconscious.
It is essential for any designer, especially those who are self-taught, to understand this theory to create a highly converting design.
Gestalt theory explained
Gestalt theory is an insight discovered by psychologist Kurt Koffka in the early 20th century. Koffka noticed “this movement, this gestalt, which occurs when you hold a group of elements together and see something different forming.” He called this “fusion,” and he theorized that human perception resulted from one thing or element of experience being fused with another.
In simpler terms, when you look at a picture, the parts of the picture that make up the whole hold a much stronger meaning than the parts that don’t. As a result, people tend to be drawn toward well-organized images or graphics, even when their form follows no discernable logic. It is just human nature to be attracted to patterns.
Gestalt Theory has been applied to marketing decisions to optimize this phenomenon. Using it, one can design graphics that lead to a more powerful and memorable effect than just combining elements.
Also, it helps a lot in creating a solid brand identity.
So how can a designer utilize Gestalt theory to increase their creative and communication abilities? Here are some tips:
- Always start with a clear, concise idea of what you want to convey in the first place. You cannot have a good design if you do not have a good motive or aim for the design.
- Use continuation, white space and images without content to convey a meaning. A good graphic design can have a profound impact on the user experience.
- Keep the form simple, concise, clean, clear, and readable, especially in smaller formats. The design form should contain no unnecessary details that might confuse the user.
- Consider text hierarchy, the order in which you place your words on the screen. This amplifies the visual impact that you want to portray.
- Consider the Gestalt principles of proximity and similarity when designing, as these principles can also be applied to interactive forms. The more you can make things look similar, like in the case of a button and a text link, the more natural it will feel for users to interact with them. Regarding proximity, it is crucial to keep the distance between objects equal to make it easier for users to recognize them. This can be done by strategically placing images and buttons around the site or by ensuring that a user’s eye is always on an image or button when they read a page.
- Create visual balance in your design through patterns, colors, and images. It refers to how the elements in each section affect the overall aesthetic of your entire site.
- Use contrast to bring attention to your important points. Design elements should not all look the same, as a user’s eye will tend to be drawn to the most striking one.
Final Thoughts
We live in a world where there is information overload. As time progresses and changes, we become more used to filter out all the noise around us. As a result, the imagery you use can captivate someone, lead them into your trap, pull them into your sales page, or draw their interest down a certain path.
You need to understand how Gestalt theory works before you can design effectively with it. It is the key to unlock your creativity and your audience’s attention.
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